Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Amazing Fashion Moments

Let us celebrate fashion that stretches the limits.

Taking casual to the limits.

Minimalist bride.

Ultimately, modesty meets a South Dakota fashion statement.

Halloween wear for the supermodels.

An engineer or lost an election bet?

Backless fashions, you're doing it wrong.

Superhero in need of a superjob.

Madama Butterfly.

Groomsmen praying that the laws of gravity have not been repealed.

Nice, in a way.


  1. The first on looks cute, in a slovenly way.

    The bikinied bride is the best.

  2. I would be hoping the laws of gravity would be enforced to the max.

  3. Excuse me while I go and put in some eyedrops to relieve the pain.

  4. The décollété bride's gown is a fashion misdemeanor!

  5. The first one is taking daring to the limits. Or is it skanky?

  6. The one in the first picture is cute. The one in the second picture looks like she's getting married in her underwear, but a complete virgin about it.
