Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Three Ministers

Three ministers, a Methodist minister, a Presbyterian minister, and a Baptist minister were good friends though competiters; as were their wives. Unfortunately, due to a catastrophic bus accident, the three couples appeared together at the Pearly Gates and sought admittance.

The Methodist minister and his missus walked up and asked to come in. St. Peter said, “No, I can’t let you in.” The Methodist minister asked, “Why not?” St. Peter said, “You liked alcohol so much that you married a girl named Brandi.”

That couple walked away unhappy.

The Presbyterian minister and his wife walked up and asked to come in. St. Peter said, “I can’t let you in.” The Presbyterian minister also asked, “Why not?” St. Peter said, “You liked money so much you married a girl named Penny.”

They walked away unhappy also.

The Baptist minister then said to his wife, “No use in us going up there. Come on Fannie.”

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